which celebrities like lord and lady sit down at the table The World Keeps Turning may just like Peacock usually rely on an allowance
According to a tour of talk show guests, program and other insiders in the TV world by the AD.
Marc-Marie Huijbregts captures insiders certainly 2000 euro each. That he could to the top of the table, ladies and hostesses properly.
Other guests would amount to between 500 and earn 750 euros. Also in the commercial RTL Boulevard, according to the newspaper to get a fee. Regular guest Maik de Boer would reap a time 1000 euro
A fee is only natural, but also keep it normal, what I am reading here is not.
The public broadcaster is free in my living room. For the commercial should I pay the cable company who therefore do not broadcast over the Internet.
The scary thing is that my belastingeld that politically correct drivel is paid (especially in Pauw).
Hahaha and paid with public money?!? ‘n Bit talk at the table?!?
Just do not look, yet outrageous, little tea drinking and chattering limp and 2000 euros from the “rabble”
shame to squander so much public money for a trivial program. The money can be paid better in the elderly.
The acidification of the society … What bomt it now that it is paid for. Advertising revenue covers it. Not taxpayers’ money. It is the acidic week here. Vinegar is nothing compared to.
As long as you take good bullshit you stay just sit there, little to say you feel so sad for all the refugees and, wham again in 2000 in the pocket. Man adds nothing, but is still the top in terms of earnings, that’s Mulder who is truly everywhere.
Links cocks, fill right. There the ordinary man needs more than a month for work. At VARA is again shamelessly rummaging in the state coffers
Marc-Marie Who? Never heard of it .. I look no conscious TV, all at least 10 years not because the supply was already to cry and given the comments here it only got worse. TV shows, real life soap operas are empty entertainment often less educated. Talk shows are subsidized by the government channels to remind TV viewers left and right, to demonize. On the internet are many good, independent sites that provide me with objective news.
DWDD is most commercial programs on Dutch television.
What a relief. I began to doubt my own mind why culture-loving Netherlands always approvingly danced around each other in this kind of show voice. Now I know that the old saying whose bread one eats, whose word we speak is applicable, I understand a lot more of it.
Then Marc-Marie has concluded a good deal. They have apparently for his input on during this show, so what ?? Do not know what everyone is so upset about. Marc-Marie ….. Well done lad !!!
When I see the face of Huijbregts on TV, then I turn the TV off right! Unbelievable that such a figure given a platform to proclaim his nonsense in the media, and there is also an outrageous fee for receiving, which must be coughed up by the Dutch society. Stop this waste of money!
Issue of demand & amp; offerings. And are gross amounts, ie not only the tax but also pension and insurance must be paid for it. But if you’re jealous grants or other anything, any amount is too high.
But man bites dog must go! Much cheaper than the current all that drivel and it is about ordinary people. Not all those who also get their opinion BNers tell euros for 2000 and almost every day you see them again. Bah.
If you work five days a week over a full working week will earn EUR 80000. Not so bad when you say it fast. 40 Euro per minute get nothing to add to a program. Can understand that the public broadcasters have to make cuts. There may be more since.
which quickly earns toot with a little
The world scrabble through.
And what captures Mathijs for his stutter 35000th euros per month. And then also read all of the teleprompter, well what a level. “At the table” every night. Cash desk!!!
Scandalous !!! Obviously weather of the public broadcaster, in this case the VARA, there is once again thrown with US tax dollars.
And to think that I never watch that crap! I can not see these so-called celebrities. Why not the “ordinary” or “extraordinary” man / woman?
Nice bags filled with a left broadcasting!
tombola called DWDD. Which calls itself a socialist broadcaster.
really sad to read that my hard-earned money continues. often it is lukoek what comes out of his mouth.
That’s a lot of money for a lot of drivel left.
I never get money when I sit down at the table and giggles talk stammer. I’m a young guy, but M.M.H. by his own comic found babbling stammering unwatch. I understand his quick mind though, if a slapstick cartoon, but it is unprofessional and contributes nothing.
But otherwise he was not even come, because he then runs another gig wrong