The traffic advisory SWOV tackles the high number of accidents on provincial roads and the roads in urban areas. Read here what measures are proposed, and comment
There should be a permanent ban on overtaking should be on rural roads, and must the maximum speed at intersections down. Now may be ridden. On provincial roads 80 km per hour Do you think these measures work and you expect the police is able to maintain this?
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Not even longer prohibit and curtail! In addition to the speed limit (just 80) a minimum rate of application should be (70?). This will eliminate the need to overtake and irritation kilometers behind a snail disappears shuffling. Specific overtaking lanes every few miles, as in many other countries is common, can help.
The cause of many catch mistakes is all in the fact that there are between vehicles often vast differences in ability and speed, and that the road authorities often do not take into account the difference between trucks cars and For example, engines 100km roads, where ej with a car and definitely a motor without any danger quickly and properly can catch up, while only 84 are allowed to drive trucks and horse trailers and caravanners often go softer. Offers in those cases a good back and forth fast lane as in other countries
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Overtake Prohibition or not, they do it anyway. Change the rules does not make sense. Work is already not enforced, so soon either and so does every driver aso nice home where he / she wants. It’s not the roads, it’s not the traffic, it is for 100% of the directors. Against this helps only one thing: heavy hit in their wallets for violations and aso behavior. You should not punish the Netherlands for the behavior of a small group!